The Meaning of Number 14

Number 14 is the number for forgetfulness
The moon is fourteen days in waxing (growing larger) before we can observe the beautiful full moon.
The moon is also fourteen days in waning.
In China the number 14 is an unlucky number. It is pronounced “one four” which sounds like “want to die”.
Number 14 in the Tarot

In the Tarot number fourteen is the card of the Temperance.
Temperance shows reasonableness and self-control.
Reversed it is lack of self-control or struggling with a conflict of interest.

Number 14 – Fun Facts
- Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14 every year.
It is a day for romance and love.
Sending cards, flowers and candy is quite common in the Western world.
- In France July 14, is the French national holiday. It is known as “Bastille Day”.
- It is the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789.

- A cub octahedron has fourteen sides.
It has six squares and eight triangles.
- Number 14 is the atomic number of silicon.
- A stone (British unit of weight) is equivalent to fourteen pounds.
- Vermont became the 14th state of the U.S.A. in 1791.
Apollo 14

Apollo 14 was the third manned mission to land on the moon.
The Lunar landing of Apollo 14 was February 5, 1971.
It was on this mission Alan Shepard hit two golf balls on the moon.
Osiris Murdered
In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was murdered by his brother, Seth. Seth cut the body of Osiris into fourteen parts.
Osiris’ wife, Isis, was able to locate the fourteen body parts and give her husband a decent funeral.
Osiris eventually became the god of the Underworld. The number fourteen has on the basis of this story been associated with death and resurrection.

In the picture by Gospodar Svemira, we can see that Nut ( the Sky goddess) is supported by her father Shu ( air god). Geb, Nut’s husband, is the Earth and he is looking at his two sons Osiris (who is naked) and Seth (who is evil).

The Fourteenth President

Franklin Pierce was the 14th President of the United States. 1853 – 1857
Franklin Pierce had three sons. His two eldest sons died of illness. On the way to the Inauguration Mr. and Mrs. Pierce witnessed their third son (age 11) die in railroad accident.
Pierce became increasingly unpopular as his actions supported the pro-slave movement.
He was the first President to hire a full time bodyguard.
Dalai Lama

The 14th Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the people of Tibet, who believe he is the reincarnation of his predecessors.
The 14th Dalai Lama was proclaimed to be the rebirth of the 13th Dalai Lama when he was two years old. He was the fifth of sixteen children of a farming family. He was born July 6, 1935.
He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 and has received over a hundred rewards.
14 Years Guarding the Grave

Bobby was the name of a Skye Terrier who spent fourteen years guarding the grave of his master.
The dog belonged to John Gray. They had been inseparable.
When John Gray died in February 1858 he was buried in Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh. Bobby spent the next fourteen years guarding the grave.
He only left for meals. Bobby died January 14, 1872.
Markar Sankranti – January 14th
“Sankranti” means the sun’s movement from one zodiac zone into the next. Makar is Hindi for Capricorn. This is when the sun moves north into the Tropic of Makar (Capricorn).

Makar Sankranti is celebrated throughout India.
Makar Sankranti is extremely auspicious.
The Sun god is named Surya in Hinduism. Special prayers are made to Surya. It is also considered auspicious to take a holy bath in the River Ganges.
During this celebration it is also very popular to fly kites. Various huge kite festivals attract visitors from around the globe.

14 Years in Exile
Rama and Sita spent 14 years in exile before they could return to their home, Ayodhya, where Rama became king. It was his stepmother’s doing, as she wanted her son to be king.
Rama is the 7th incarnation of Vishnu. His task was to kill the demon Ravana and rescue his wife. Ravana had kidnapped his wife Sita.
Pope John XII Murdered
Pope John XII (Pope from 955 – 964) did not take celibacy too seriously. A very jealous husband found the Pope in bed with his wife and beat him severely. The Pope died as a result of the injuries on May 14, 964.
A Sonnet

A sonnet is a fourteen line poem.
A sonnet has a strict rhyme structure.
Each line contains ten syllables.
William Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.
The 14 Stations of the Cross
The Fourteen Stations of the Cross are stations for meditation used by many Catholics in the Roman Catholic Church.
The stations consist of fourteen crosses and may also have pictures.
The believers go from one station to the next saying prayers.

These are the fourteen stations approved by Pope Benedict XVI:
- Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus betrayed by Judas and arrested
- Jesus condemned by the Sanhedrin
- Jesus denied by Peter
- Jesus is judged by Pilate
- Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns
- Jesus takes up His cross
- Jesus is helped by Simon to carry His cross
- Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
- Jesus is crucified
- Jesus promises His kingdom to the repentant thief
- Jesus entrusts Mary and John to each other
- Jesus dies on the cross
- Jesus is laid in the tomb
14 Holy Helpers
The Fourteen Holy Helpers is a group of Catholic saints invoked during the Black Plague in Europe. The Fourteen Holy Helpers have remained sturdy in Germany.
St. Achatius | Against headache |
St. Barbara | Against fever and sudden death |
St. Blaise | Against illness of the throat |
St. Catherine of Alexandria | Against sudden death |
St. Christopher | Against plagues |
St. Cyriacus | Against temptation on the death bed |
St. Denis | Against headache |
St. Erasmus | Against intestinal ailments |
St. Eustachius | Against family trouble |
St. George | For protection of domestic animals |
St. Giles | Against plague and for a good confession |
St. Margaret of Antioch | For a safe childbirth |
St. Pantaleon | For physicians |
St. Vitus | Against epilepsy |
The Fourteen Angels

In Engelbert Humperdinck’s opera “Hansel and Gretel”, there is the prayer of the lost children: “The Fourteen Angels”:
When at night I go to sleep,
fourteen angels watch to keep,
two my head are guarding,
two my feet are guiding;
two upon my right hand,
two upon my left hand.
two who warmly cover,
two who o’er me hover,
two to whom ’tis given
to guide my steps to heaven.
I like the number 14 because this is the number of both the star points and the red and white stripes in my national flag (Malaysia)! I’d like to make my country proud of me one day…
I was born on July 14th 1992, and since then I’ve had special connections with the number 14. Others in my family were born on the 14th including my brother on september 14th. Also I see the number everyday and is odd where it comes up in a conversation or some luck in a lotto ticket. the fact that this number have connected me with some special people in my life. Number 14 is part of me.
My favorite number has always been my favorite number. I have a friend with a lot of similarities to me and her bday is Sept 14. I’ve met some one with the same bday as me just 14 yrs apart which is sept. This year is 14 yrs since my life altering car accident. My name is Nicki and n is the 14 letter in the alphabet. I was born 114 in the morning,.. the list continues lol. It’s funny too cause you were typing this around114 on the 27th 3 months after my bday. I dunno maybe it’s my obsession with the number is it’s prevalence or part of the mk ultra mind program or signs from the universe. All I know is there’s something about 14 and def is something to do with pie and 314 being the meaning of life and a message. I know I’m figuring out a huge puzzle in my life the last four yrs since my since my spontaneous spiritual awakening august 14 2018. I just dont know for what purpose
Wow seems like we’re having similar situations. I am still trying to get through my visions mine started 11/28/21 and now I’m looking for 3 letters with the number 14 after them. He said it was the cure. I have watched some of them pass and now today after seeing another sign I feel I’m about outta time.
14 i an unlukey number, unlike 13. It can be prooved.
Really, now the number fourteen is growing in popularity, but at first, it was a negative sign that represents forgetfulness. What is it bad or good? The Bible has the answer!
Its Funny, Everything Special Around Me Happened On The 14th Hence My Alias Is Number FOURTEEN. Met My Girlfriend On The 14th Feb, My Baby Was Born 2014 And The Story Goes On.
It seems like number 14 is your auspicious number! Congratulations on all the wonderful things that has occurred in your life!
The new trend is the number 14 is being established as a symbol of love and friendship throughout the Western world. Of course February 14th has deep and strong vibes connected to unconditional and true love.
Number 14 is quickly increasing in popularity and becoming a symbol of positive energy.
Number 14 is a beautiful number! May many more great things occur in your life!
i totally agree with you. September 14th is my birthday and lucky number. Once i went to a resturant and the waiter said what i ordered was free because it was the most ordered thing on the menu that week. Oh and guess what it was the 14th thing on the menu!!!
Joseph Smith was 14 years old when he had his first vision.
He was only 14 years old! Incredible, I did not know that. Thanks for sharing. Funny, today I just read an article on Huffington Post claiming Joseph Smith had many wives.
One of his wives was only 14 years old when Joseph Smith married her. The poor girl was the daughter of one of his close friends.
Source: Mormon Church Admits For First Time That Founder Joseph Smith Had A 14-Year-Old Bride By BRADY McCOMBS – Huffington Post
My spouse was born on FEBURARY 14. He was highly psychic and died October 23, 2015. He was an extremely strong mannered man but at the same time extremely sensitive psychic aware of everyone and his surrounding. 14 for me is extremely strong. Why? Because 1 and 4 added together equals 5 which is the number for Taraus whigh is very strong and determine. He died on the 23 which equals 5. October 23, 2015 added together equals 5. So for me 14 is strong and mystical because of the Taraus 5.