Number 5 in Jainism

Number 5 in Jainism

Jains started using the open palm as a symbol in 1975. It may have the word “ahimsa” written in it. Ahimsa means non-violence.

Jainism is an ancient religion from India. A Jain is a follower of the 24 Jinas (conquerors), who have shown the way to salvation.number 5 in Jainism Jain hand

The 24 Jinas, the enlightened ascetics, are known as the tirthankaras.

The latest of the 24 Jinas was Vardhamana, known as Mahavira (Great Hero). He lived from 599 to 527 BC.

Jainism is a strictly non-violent religion. According to the Jains every living soul is potentially divine.

Humans, animals, insects and so on are all in the cycle of reincarnation. The Jains are vegetarians.

Jains believe in karma and reincarnation, but do not believe in a creator god. They believe liberation must be achieved by individuals through their own efforts.

There are about four million Jains in India. They are among the wealthiest in India. Many hospitals, schools and businesses are run by Jains.

Jain monks are called Sadu and Jain nuns are called Sadhvi.

The monks and nuns wear white robes, with the exception of the monks of the Digambara Jains, who are naked practicing complete detachment from all things.

There are two main groups of Jains,the Shvetambara and the Digambara.

Jainism 5 Vows - Mahavratas


The Jain monks and nuns follow the Five Great Vows, known as The Mahavratas.


On the path to complete liberation, the Jains have what they call the Five Supreme Beings.

The Five Supreme Beings are:




“the Worthy Ones”, the Great Teachers, Tirthankaras


 liberated souls


spiritual teachers who lead the monks and nuns


teachers who instruct the monks and nuns in the Jain scriptures
 Sadhu and  Sadhvi  monks and nuns 


The Five colors of the Jain Flag. The Jain flag has five colors. Each of the colors symbolizes one of the Five Supreme Beings.

Jain flagArhats – white

Siddhas – red

Acharyas – orange

Upadhyayes – green

Sadu and Sadhvi – black or dark blue

Jain Swastika


The fylfot (swastika) is one of the holiest symbols in Jainism. It is a symbol of the seventh Jina. The three dots above symbolize Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct.


 The Five Great Vows    The Five Lesser Vows(Lay people) 


 non-violence, cause no harm to any living being   



try to avoid destruction of living-beings, not do work that involves deliberate destruction of life


speaking the truth





not taking anything that is not given to them by the owner



not fall for temptations, for example tax-avoidance
 Brahmacharya  complete abstinence from sex  Brahmacharya only engage in sex within the marriage


detachment from places, persons and things


give to religious needs



1 thought on “Number 5 in Jainism”

  1. Please can you say me why among the Jain Tirthankaras: Why Padmaprabha is in red colour, Why Suparshavanath is in green colour for the Digambaras, Chandraprabha and Pushpadanta are in white colour, Mallinatha is in blue colour for the Shvetambaras, Munisuvrata and Neminatha are in black colour
    Parshavanath is in dark blue and all the others are in golden colour?
    It is a problem to me that these differences of colours. I think there are particular reasons for each one !
    You will be kind to reply to me. Many thanks !
    Jai Jinendra !


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